Best 3 Essential Oils to Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation is commonly associated with pain though, in reality, it is our body’s natural response to injuries, as well as from bacterial or viral infections. The pain and discomfort often associated with inflammation can come hand in hand with the body’s attempt to heal itself.
All Disease Begins with Inflammation as the Root Cause
Is there anyone you know who doesn’t experience inflammation in one way or another?
In case you’re unfamiliar with just how frequent inflammation is, here’s a few examples:
• Achy painful joints
• Acne
• Allergies
• Anxiety
• Any condition that ends with “itis”
• Asthma
• Autoimmune diseases like celiac disease, lupus, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s, or rheumatoid arthritis
• Candida overgrowth
• Chronic fatigue
• Depression
• Digestive issues like IBS, gas, bloating, or diarrhoea
• Eczema
• Fibromyalgia
• Food allergies and intolerances
• Headaches
• Hormonal imbalances like PMS or PCOS
• Mood swings
• Rosacea
• Sinus Infections
• Strong sugar cravings
• And many many more
I can hardly think of anyone who doesn’t have some degree of inflammation in their body. In fact I know quite a lot of people with more than one of the above issues. It’s sort of an epidemic nowadays, so much so people accept them as normal.
But it isn’t normal. Far from it.
There are anti-inflammatory medications available such, although they do have a number of side effects you need to be careful of. Fortunately, there are a number of natural essential oils that can provide a safe and effective treatment for inflammation.
Top 3 Essential Oils for Inflammation
Great For: Increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation
Rosemary has long been used for its restorative property. As an anti-inflammatory remedy, you can use it as a massage oil, especially to treat muscular pains and rheumatism. Rosemary essential oil can help stimulate circulation. It increases blood flow to the muscles and warms the massaged area to reduce inflammation, as well as relieve pain.
Great For: Reducing fever induced inflammation
The health benefits of this essential oil are mostly attributed to its antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, cicatrisant, sedative and properties. In general, patchouli is great for treating depression and anxieties, as well as providing relief from a number of illnesses.
It is also capable of soothing inflammation, particularly those that are caused by fever. Combined with jojoba or sweet almond oils, patchouli essential oil can be massaged directly to the skin. You may also add several drops to your warm bath to ease your aching muscles and joints.
Great for: Easing and cooling joint and muscle pain
Eucalyptus is known as an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic, making it great for easing muscle and joint pains. You may rub this essential oil onto aching areas directly or mix it with another oil.

Recipe ingredients
Recipe directions
Pick either essential oil.
Massage onto aching areas directly or mix it with another oil.
Pick either essential oil.
Massage onto aching areas directly or mix it with another oil.